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Marcelin Murray

Marcelin Murray image

Category: Arbitrator, Counsel, Mediator

Profession: Lawyer

Firm/Organization: Fillmore Riley LLP


Marcelin Murray is a family lawyer and a partner with Fillmore Riley LLP. With more than 20 years’ experience in family law, Marcelin helps her clients with a range of family law issues, including separation, decision-making and parenting time, dispute resolution and divorce.

As a member of Collaborative Practice Manitoba and FAMLI, Marcelin strives to resolve family law matters amicably. Trained in mediation and arbitration, she encourages clients to arrive at settlements outside of court.

Marcelin has a long history of contributing to her profession. She sits on the Executive of the Manitoba Bar Association Family Law subsection and the Board of Directors of FAMLI. She has authored several articles about family law issues, and she helped organize the Inaugural Western Canada Family Law Negotiation Competition.

Website: https://fillmoreriley.com

Email: mmurray@fillmoreriley.com

Phone: 204-957-8334


  • Domestic Violence Screening Trained
  • Collaborative Practice Training
  • Mediation Training
  • Arbitration Training

1700 - 360 Main Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3Z3