2020 Program Registration

FAMLI is proud to present the first of it’s programming within the Alternate Dispute Resolution paradigm. Ms. Jennifer Suzor of Suzor Mediation has been engaged to provide mediation training specific to family related issues.

A 5 day Basic and Advanced Mediation Program is being offered with the intent of providing those with no prior mediation training or those desiring to refresh their mediation training, programming designed specifically with family dispute resolution in mind.

For those who already have at least 40 hours of mediation training but require specific training in family dispute resolution, are Collaborative Practice Manitoba qualified or have less than 40 hours of mediation training, you are invited to register for the 2 day Advanced Mediation programming.

2020 Program Registration Form

Registrant Details


Registraion Fees (please choose option)

Full Family Mediation Training - Basic and Advanced: (December 10, 11, 12, 17 and 18, 2020)
Family Mediation - Advanced only: (December 17 and 18, 2020)

Please make cheques payable to Family Arbitration and Mediation Legal Institute and send this Registration Form and cheque to:

Les Kirchner
Pitblado LLP
2500 – 360 Main Street
Winnipeg, MB R3C 4H6

FAMLI cannot provide any guarantee or certify that these programs will apply towards your mandatory Continuing Professional Development hour requirements with the Law Society of Manitoba.

Cancellation Policy: No Refunds.

Famli Manitoba