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Greg Evans

Greg Evans image

Category: Arbitrator, Counsel, Mediator

Profession: Lawyer

Firm/Organization: Evans Family Law Corporation


Greg is an experienced family mediator and arbitrator. Greg has assisted families with mediated separation agreements. Greg is also frequently used to provide mediation/arbitration for families and has delivered decisions on topics such as parenting plans and timesharing of children, grandparent visitation, child support, spousal support and property division. Greg received his mediation training in 1998 and completed his arbitration training from the Arbitration and Mediation Institute of Manitoba in 2005. Greg is a member of FAMLI and the ADR Institute of Canada.

Website: https://evansfamilylaw.ca

Email: gevans@evansfamilylaw.ca

Phone: 204-992-3242


  • Domestic Violence Screening Trained
  • Mediation Training
  • Arbitration Training

190 Sherbrook Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 2B6